I searched high and low for a job. I knew I wanted to be a nanny of some kind of nanny/ fulltime babysitter because I love kids and it pays more than working for minimum wage. In August of last year I got a finally got a job but it was only for two weeks when their daycare was not open. I loved those two weeks with a little boy named Ben. About a month later Ben's mom had another little boy named Josh and I would watch him every once in a while when she needed a break and get some things done. It wasn't a lot but at least I was making some money and getting my baby fixes. During this time I continued to search for a more permanent job situation.

In December of 2011...right as I was about to give up and look else where...I got a call from someone in my cousins ward in Tracy that needed a nanny. They were set up for someone else to watch the kids but that fell through so they were desperate. I met them the next day and immediatly fell in love with her little boys. I have been working for them ever since (started fulltime in March) and love every minute of it. They have two little boys-Nathan who was 5 months when I started and is now 12 months, and Spencer who is 6 1/2 (we have the same birthday). I love these little boys so much! It has been so fun to watch each of them grow over the last 8 months...has it really been that long already? I've watched Nathan learn to roll over, to crawl, to pulling himself up onto furniture, to now walking EVERYWHERE! I've watched Spencer learn so many new things at school.
It is so interesting to me that right when I was going to give up, my prayers were answered and I got a job that I absolutely love. A job that is even better than I imagined. I never expected to work for someone that was a member of the church and who I have a good relationship with. A job that I get to do what I love to do and hang out with the cutest boys ever!
Even though everyday isn't perfect-Spencer can get on my nerves sometimes and Nathan has some hard days...I still love it. I mean who wouldn't when they could see these faces everyday!
I am so grateful that I get to do something I love with kids that I love in a comfortable environment. I'm grateful that I am making a steady income so that I can start going to school in January. I am not looking forward to the day when I have to leave this job (not anytime soon though). I am grateful for all the things this job has taught me...mostly how to be patient.
I love my job and I love these boys!
"Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven."
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