Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Online School

Oh the joys of school! Hahahahahah......not really. Since I moved with my family about a month ago I have been doing online school so I can finish out high school. I feel like that is all I do all day. Even though I consider it as a blessing in my life-because then I would be forced to go to a real high school and have to make new friends at the very end of my senior year...ya sounds like tons of fun to me (very very heaving sarcasm!)-anyways it's a blessing because it has been a way for me to graduate from high school with out having to make new friends that I will probably only have for a couple of months considering school ends in about a week. There are somethings I really do not like about online school.
Beginning of rant #1 (already I know)
I feel like I have no social life. Part of this is my fault but hey it's not like I have all that many opportunities to be social but still I don't exactly try I know.  Also I have to be online for four stinking hours every weekday. Sitting in front of the computer and getting away with doing nothing is pretty great but when you sit in front of the computer for four hours and it only says you've done two is the irritating part. The program seriously does not know how to count! I'm serious! I think one of the problems is that they make the pages to long. If you stay on a page for more that ten minutes it logs you out even though you're still really there and it also stops counting the time. So if your on a page for a half hour-which normally it take me about that much time to get done with a page- it only counts you as having been on for ten minutes. How do they expect kids to read that much in ten minutes?! Or do they expect us to sign back on every ten minutes just to complete our assignments? I have no idea but it sure is irritating.
Problem number 3: I'm practically done with all my classes and all I have left is finals but I'm Idaho right now so I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing in those four hours that I'm supposed to be online for. I mean I could go back and review for the finals but that probably wouldn't count because I couldn't prove that I was actually online for that time. I could have been sleeping for all the instructors care. So I've been trying to go very slowly through my English class so I can actually have something to do this week, but as I said before it hasn't been counting me for the full four hours I've been online. How long do you expect a girl to do English?!?!?!

Now for the positive side:
Next week is spring break which means no online time for me! (HURRAY!!!!!!!!!) I'm super duper jazzed about this. I don't have to be online for an entire week! You have no idea how exciting that is for me right now! Also once spring break is over I will be back in Cali to take my finals and then I have one more math class to take and then I'm done with high school forever!!!! =D MAN! I can not wait!
Reason #2: It's given me an opportunity to not only finish high school but to also get up a lot of the bad grades I had after having movingidis. Seriously grateful for that! I mean the lowest grade I have right now is a B. Let's just say my lowest grade before was much lower than that........
Anyways I am seriously grateful for school even if it is torturesome at times it is truly a good thing for me to be doing right now and I get to graduate high school!

Quote of the day: "An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't." ~Anatole France 

"A human being is not attaining his full heights until he is educated." ~Horrace Mann

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