Saturday, September 17, 2011


I have had my permit for about a month and a half now. I really didn't start driving until a couple of weeks ago. I first started learning how to drive on our stick shift and I have to be honest it didn't go so well. The first time I drove it was ok. We started out i a parking lot where I could learn the basics of getting the car moving. Then we went to some country roads out behind our house so I could drive for a longer distance. Also I could proactice shifting. I was doing pretty good until we came to the end of a road and I had to turn around. My mom though I could do it but I freaked out and almost ran into a fence. I was traumatized from this experience and made my mom drive the rest of the way home.

We then went out a few weeks later and lets just say this one did not go well at all. We were once again in the stick shift in a parking lot and I did ok the first time but every time my mom would tell me to shift I would freak out and just not do it. I think I over thinking it or something I don't know. I eventually got overwhelmed after the second time of driving and just quite and broke down and started crying. I think this break down was a mixture of a lot of things. The first being that I expected a lot out of myself and when I didn't meet that expectation I got really upset. I also felt like a lot of people expected a lot out of me. At this point I felt like I was dissappointed everyone and myself. Another reason is that I was really overwhelmed. I had so much to think about, the brake, the gas, the clutch, the gears, and so much more. I just couldn't take it all in. I definitely do not think that trying to first learn to drive on a stick was a good idea. I was having to remember to do way to many things at once. I would never remember to put the clutch in because I was still trying to figure out the whole braking thing. Seriously, way to much to think about for a new driver.

So we put the car away and got out the van. The van is automatic and I did much better on it. Not so much to think about all at the same time. I have been driving a lot and instead and hating it like i used to I love it and cant drive enough. I am now jump at an opportunity to drive somewhere. I have recently started driving on the the freeway and ya its a little scary but im getting used to it. Im mostly afraid of how fast im going.

Now that I know the basics of driving im hoping to get back in the car sometime soon and try the stick shift again. I think now that the other stuff im pretty used to ill be able to focus more on the clutch and the gears. Fingers Crossed. We'll see how it turns out!

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