Thursday, September 15, 2011

Life today and how I'm going to fix it for a better tomorrow

I know I haven't posted anything lately but it's mostly because I don't really have anything to post. At least anything that is remotely interesting or anything that is new. I mean I do pretty much the same thing everyday. I wake up (normally around 8:30), watch a movie or read, eat some breakfast, watch some tv, read, play with Tony, play on my iPad, eat some lunch, watch more tv, read some more, drive, help with dinner, eat dinner, go to room, watch movie, fall asleep watching movie. Sure I get a lot of movies and tv watched but is that something I really want to be proud of. Absolutely not! Actually writing done my daily schedule makes me really ashamed of myself for being so lazy. I made a goal today to just try harder and to do something productive everyday. I think that I might start feeling better if I start actually doing something with my life instead of wallowing in self pity every day. It probably isn't healthy at all! So my goals and how I'm going to them? Well I'm going to make a plan right now. (I just realized in write a lot of lists on this blog but it's a good way to organize my thoughts, so once again here it goes)

Today I discovered this awesome daily planner on pinterest. It is amazing! It looks like this:

and this weekly planner that looks like this:

sorry they are so big but I don't know how to get them smaller. These are both courtesy of' This lady is awesome and she has more than just these organizers. You should go check out her blog!

Anyways. So my goal to use these everyday. I printed out about 30 copies of the daily planner and 4 copies of the weekly planner. I put them in a binder and so far it's fantastic. I really like it because I can record everything I need to (that i used to have to record in all different areas) all in one spot. It's awesome. It also helps me keep/ make goals. So far I am loving them! Hopefully these are going to be something that actually stick. I think these planners are going to make me way more organized productive. If that didn't top it off aren't they just so cute! They are pretty. I wish I had a talent to be able to do that with computer!

On these planners there are daily goals and daily to dos. On these I'm going all the things that I want to accomplish in that day (duh). For example, today I wrote that I wanted to make my bed and pick up my room. I also said that I wanted to go for walk. I think because they were actually written down I actually did it. It feels amazing to be sitting on a made bed in a clean bed. I feel pretty accomplished today. Even if to some people that may seem very simple, it is something that is productive for me since I haven't been very productive lately.

Just a side note. Over the years I have learned that making smaller goals and slower working up makes you feel more accomplished and your more likely to succeed. So by making the goal to just make my bed today I accomplished my goal easy. It was something that i knew I could accomplish and tomorrow my goal is the keep my room clean, make my bed, and clean my bathroom. See how all I did was add something. This is the way that i have learned to make goals. I take baby steps, one day at time. This is also the plan that I'm going to take with my new exercise/ diet plan. Make easy goals that aren't to far out of reach. Such as instead of cutting sugar out of my diet, although that is my long term goal, my goal for right now is to cut down on the sugar, only have one cookie instead of three. Something that is going to be just enough of a challenge that I know I will feel better about myself at the end of the day instead of regretting that I didn't do anything at all that day. It is a great way for me to be productive.

So since this post is starting to get slightly long and it's getting late I'm going to end it.

Reaching my goals GMH

"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice." -Wayne Dyer.

Ok, I have to save this really fast. When I find my quotes I just look up a subject on brain quotes and then choose the best one. This specific quote really spoke to me tonight. Mostly because it is so true. It is my choice everyday to not do anything and feel miserable or I could motivate myself and feel a little bit better about myself.

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