Sunday, November 6, 2011


In Relief Society today we had a lesson on diligence. We talked about how we can't move forward with out being diligent. We can't overcome our trials with out having family and diligence get through the tough times. We also talked about how you may have this perfect picture of who you think you should be but the truth is you become that person very slower and by being diligenct in all things.

This is a lot my experience with the piano. When I first started learning how to play the piano and really wasn't in 100%. I hardly practiced and I dreaded going to lessons because I always got discouraged. I would make mistakes and at the time I could barely read music. It would take me for what felt forever to just learn how to play a song that was a half a page, large print, in the key of C, and only one note for the right and left hands. It saws hard for me. So I quit. I got too discouraged and couldn't take it anymore. I can't tell you how much I regret decision. I have for many years. About 5 years or so I missed playing the piano so much that I got my old books out and started playing just for myself. I later started to teach myself more difficult. They weren't that super complicated but I was increasing my skill. I later got my sister's old book out and other books we had lying around the house. I kept teaching myself and getting better and better but I still wasnt satisfied. I think I've always had this image in my head of the perfect pianist. I have always wanted to be that person that can play this super complicated piece. The truth of the matter is I have to remind myself that they didn't start that way. Maybe someday I'll be that good for right now I'm as I can be. I'm as good as can be expected. About 2 years ago I started taking lessons again. I was faced with challenge again that I wasn't as good as I wanted to be.

To be completely honest I am extremely proud of where I am when it comes to the piano. When you look at ow many years I have actually been taught, not just self teaching, I am actually quite accomplished. Maybe I'm not a concert pianit but I can play hymns, I can sight read, I can pretty complicated things, and I can learn a song quickly. I have come a long way from where I strted . Ickow that this is one of those talents that I have been given and I love every opportunity I get toplay. I absolutely love playing the piano. If I haven't quit when I did I always wonder where I would be today when it comes the piano. When I really think about it I don't think I'd appreciate my talent as much as I do now. Mostly because it was my choice to go back into piano lessons, not my parenst. I got back into the peiano for myself and no one else. Now that has changed but playing the piano is my sanctuary.

Now what does this have to with diligence? I got discouraged a lot and still get discouraged when it comes to the polaying the piano. I'm still not where I want to be and sometimes I wish it could just jump the time and not have to put for the effort but I do. We can apply to life because we may want a certain outcome but the truth of the matter is if we don't put forth the work we won't ever get there. We need diligent in the hard times to achieve our goals. We need to be diligent in those hard times.

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