Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Wow I can't believe it's already 2012! I feel like 2011 just started. As the first blog post of the year I have decided (because of the fact that I was so bad at blogging in the first place) to write a list of all the things I did this year.
*=defining moments
-Started last semester of high school*
-Started thinking about moving to Tracy and started looking at houses
-Celebrated my 18th birthday and became a legal adult*
-My seminary class threw me a surprise birthday party
-I dropped (or someone dropped) my iPad and I ended up getting a new one for free (even though it was supposed to over $200 to replace it)
-Went on my last Steven's Creek Ward Youth Snow Retreat and had a blast!
-Continued looking for houses in Tracy, Manteca, and Lathrop
-Put offers on two houses but didn't get them
-Found our dream house and found out that we got it!
-Started packing up our house and my life in Cupertino
-Moved to Manteca, CA on March 13th??? (I think that was the day)***
-Had to say goodbye to Jesse
-Attended Youth Conference the same weekend we moved*************
        -Heard Sister Elaine Dalton (the General Young Women's President) speak and got to meet her!
-Moved into my new room. This included organizing like crazy, and downsizing (some-what)
-First night in my new room
-First day in new ward (the Northland Ward in the Manteca, CA stake)
-Started online school at Delta Charter High School*
-First day at new Seminary
-Tali and Ty visit
-Ty moves into my room and started his internship
-I made a trip to Rexburg to spend time with Natalia for three weeks***
         -Saw Brenna Scannell who I hadn't seen in way to long!
         -This is the time that I really felt that BYU-I was the school I wanted to eventually end up in
-I sliced my head open at the Salt Lake City airport (right by my eyebrow so now my eyebrow looks funny)
-Returned home to sunny California!
-Celebrated my mom's birthday and Mother's Day
-Was Charity's model for her Mockboards at school
-Graduated from high school with straight As in my last semester!*
-Graduated from Seminary***************************** (one of the best moments of my life!)
-Went to Utah
-Saw Grandma Pohlsander and Grandma Wardle 
-Spent time at Temple Square (I love that place!)***
-Got a new pair of scriptures since my old pair were falling apart (They have already gotten a lot of use)*
-Went camping at Big Basin
-Got my permit and started to practice driving*
-Ty finished his internship so I got to move back into my room
-Six Flags
-Pizza my Heart
-4th of the July complete with the parade, swimming, barbeque, and two nights of fireworks. 
-Was Charity's model for Mockboard again
-We had an exchange student from Spain
-Went to Yosemite 
-Jelly Belly Factory
-Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk
-Hung out with the Morgans
-Got/ started a babysitting job
-Got into decorating cupcakes
-Helped Charity and Anthony move into their new apartment in Turlock
-Was Charity's model for Stateboard
-Beach with Jesse
-Carved around 20 pumpkins
-Moved to the Singles Ward*
-Saw Breaking Dawn and loved it!!!
-Had an amazing Thanksgiving!*
-Performed at the Stake Christmas Fireside, both in the choir and accompanied my family on the piano*
-I got my driver's license*** and became my mother's errand runner
-Got a new phone
-Had a fabulous Christmas with family
-Became an Aunt to Elliott Wilford Wardle*
-Got a full time nannying job beginning in March*
-Had fun with the Morgan girls
-Went to the beach with Jesse and Brooke and had a lot of fun New Years Eve
-Spent time with my Grandpa
-Spent New Years Eve babysitting and then was in bed listening to fireworks around the neighbor as the new year came in.

Overall it was a pretty good year!

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